As well as our annual general meeting our Committee also meets regularly throughout the year. We also organise members general meetings and also meetings for the public to address local issues of interest and concern.
The Annual General Meeting is held each March/April with at least 14 days notice being given. The AGM is usually held in St. Patrick’s Hall, Leicester Avenue, Dublin 6 from 7.30 pm to 10pm. The agenda of the AGM, which is chaired by the Chairperson of the Association, includes a report by the Honorary Secretary; the Honorary Treasurer, including an audited statement of the accounts and balance sheet; reports from each of the officers, as and when they have something to report; and the election of a new Committee.
The Association’s Committee meets at least ten times per year and deals with ongoing and new issues as they arise.
General and Public Meetings
General and public meetings are held at least once or twice per annum and can be confined to members or open to members of the public. These meetings deal with local issues of concern. Public representatives and other relevant organisations may be invited to address the meetings.