(As amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 11th April 2024)
1. The Rathgar Residents’ Association, hereinafter termed “The Association”, shall be non-political and non-sectarian.
2. The Association shall do all in its power
- to preserve and develop all amenities in Rathgar or available to residents in Rathgar,
- to support the development of such amenities in Rathgar as are sought by the residents in Rathgar or members of the Association
- to advance schemes for co-operative action for the benefit of its members
- to assist other bodies and Association having similar objectives.
3. Membership shall be open to all past and present residents in the Rathgar area, as shall be approved by the Committee.
4. The Committee are empowered to terminate the membership of any individual whose conduct is considered detrimental to the interests of the Association.
5. The affairs of the Association shall be controlled by a Committee of fifteen members, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, hereinafter referred to as the “AGM”.
6. The annual subscription shall be approved by the Committee. There may be separate subscription rates for households, retired persons, students and the unwaged. Members who join for the first time after 30 June shall pay half the appropriate subscription in that year and the full appropriate subscription in all subsequent years. The annual subscription shall be payable on 1st January of each year.
7. Failure to renew the subscription before 31st December of that year incurs cancellation of membership.
8. At its first meeting after election, the Committee shall elect from among themselves a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Membership Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
9. The Committee shall meet at least ten times in each year.
10. The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be five.
11. The Committee are empowered to fill by co-option any vacancies occurring during their term of office.
12. The Committee are empowered to invite to their meetings any individual whose advice or assistance is desired.
13. The duties of the Honorary Secretary shall be
- to ensure that a register of members is maintained
- to hold books and documents relating to the affairs of the Association
- to write such letters as the Committee may direct
- to issue notifications of Committee and of General Meetings.
14. The duties of the Honorary Treasurer shall be
- To receive monies on behalf of the Association and to invest them, as the Committee may decide
- To make payments as authorised by the Committee.
15. Other General Meetings shall be arranged at least once in each year to discuss issues of concern to the members, the quorum for each such meeting being 20 members.
16. The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of March or April, at least 14 days notice being given to members. Notice may be given in postal or electronic form.
17. The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall comprise
- report by the Chairman
- report by Honorary Secretary
- report by Honorary Treasurer, including an audited statement of the accounts and balance sheet
- election of a Committee, nominations for which must be received in writing at least seven days before the meeting. In the absence of sufficient or any postal nominations the Chairman is empowered to call for nominations from the floor
- proposals and motions of which seven days notice has been given.
18. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be summoned, if a requisition is received by the Honorary Secretary, signed by at least 25 members.
19. At all General and Committee Meetings voting shall be normally by show of hands. The Chairman at the meeting may rule that a ballot is necessary.
20. Any uncertainty in these rules, or any matter not covered by these rules, shall be determined by the Committee.
21. These Rules may be amended only at an Annual General Meeting and such amendment requires the supporting vote of at least two/thirds of the members present.
22. Every officer or Committee member of the Association shall be indemnified or reimbursed against any expenses incurred with the authority of the Committee.
23. The Association may be dissolved only at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose, at which the proposal is supported by at least two/thirds of the members present. Any properties or other assets owned by the
24. Association shall then be sold and the proceeds together with any monies invested for the Association, shall be used to settle any debts or liabilities. Any surplus remaining shall be disposed of as decided by the Special General Meeting. If the total assets are insufficient to meet the liabilities, then the deficiency shall be contributed in equal parts by all members of the Association. 1